Ka tū pari tokatoka, ka horo pari oneone.
A pa built from stone will stand strong, that made of earth will crumble.

Our aim is for whānau to be living in dry, healthy and safe homes on our papakāinga, immersed in our culture, keeping our home fires burning. Kia kōwhiuwhiutia tonutia te ahi kā, kei pūrēhua, ā, ka kewa.

Kāinga Tuatahi, was an innovative residential development completed in 2016, designed, developed and financed by Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei for whānau from Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei. The 30-home development comprising of 18 4-bedroom, nine 3-bedroom and three 2-bedroom homes was designed to sit comfortably on the whenua, reflect the landscape of Tāmaki Makaurau and the culture of Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei.

The project was one of the first qualifying developments under the HASHA legislation to be completed which brings the Government and Council together to streamline new housing developments. Planning and design took into account the Orākei Masterplan and Orākei Design Guidelines which were developed by the hapū over a decade to provide for thoughtful future development of the Orākei papakāinga.

The design of the homes has incorporated a significant number of “sustainability” features, including high levels of insulation, double glazing, cross ventilation of spaces and communal vegetable gardens. The buildings have been designed to have long lives, and to be cost-effective for their owners. Maintenance should be minimal, and a long-term sinking fund has been established to ensure that appropriate funds are on hand when such work is required.

Overall, it is a unique example of medium design papakāinga housing that has been made possible through utilizing a range of planning mechanisms. The project achieves a balance between incorporating sustainable design principles (including solar panels) while ensuring that the homes remain (relatively) affordable, allowing many whānau who are currently living outside of Orākei back to the whenua and in doing so, will reinforce Orākei as the heart of the hapū.




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