

You may have seen an announcement in our ePānui and on Pukamata that we are in the very early stages of planning for more whānau housing on Atareta Street and Kupe Street. The first stage of work involves testing which began this week and will help to inform us with the next stage and design of the development.


The kupe street map of testing locations


What mahi is being done?
We have contracted engineering company Aurecon to undertake testing to survey the whenua, check for any contamination such as asbestos, check the ground conditions, groundwater and services such as power, water, stormwater drainage, wastewater treatment.
When will the testing start and finish?
An initial site walk-over was completed on Thursday 25 July. Following that, testing at Atareta Street and Kupe Street is scheduled to begin from Monday 29th July. All work will be done between 8am and 5.30pm and will take up to three weeks.
How will this mahi affect you?
There will be minimal disruption to whānau living and working in Ōrākei. Whānau can expect to see Aurecon staff and their sub-contractors at both sites in their hi-vis with testing vehicles and equipment.
Where will staff park?
Staff will drive down Atareta Street to access the site and park on the grass. Staff working on Kupe Street will use the closest on-street parking to access that site.
Keep up to date
We know that many of our whānau are excited to see this development progress and come to fruition, so we’re pleased to get this mahi underway. Keep an eye out on Tukuna and Pukamata for future updates.

If you have any patai about the testing please email [email protected]