E tapatahi ana a Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei ki te whakawhanaketanga o ngā uri o Tuperiri o nāianei, o anamata hoki. Mā te kōkiri i a Toi Tupu, he kaupapa penapena me te haumi, me tētahi hōtaka whakawhanake moni, e tūmanako ana ka tupu tētahi ahurea penapena me te haumi i waenganui i te hapū. Ki te piri mai koe, ka kite koe i ō moni e tupu ana i te taha o ngā rawa o te hapū me te whanake o tō māramatanga me ō mātauranga penapena me te moni.
Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei is committed to the growth of ngā uri o Tuperiri for generations to come. By delivering Toi Tupu, a savings and investment scheme, accompanied by a financial capability building programme, we hope to encourage and grow a savings and investment culture within the hapū. If you choose to participate, you will see your putea grow along with assets of the hapū and along the way strengthen your knowledge and understanding of savings and finances.
Over the next few editions of Tukuna, we will break down exactly what Toi Tupu is, how it benefits you and your whānau as well as offering a broader understanding of finance and investment. We’ll also delve into why we set up Toi Tupu and our hopes for what it can accomplish within the hapū for generations to come. Beyond discussing our savings and investment scheme, we hope to tackle other financial areas including budgeting, retirement, saving for a home and more.
Have you enrolled with Toi Tupu yet?
Enrolments for Toi Tupu are now open. You must be a registered member of Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei – to register click here.
If you are unsure if you are a member, or have any questions about Toi Tupu, you can email us at: [email protected]